Call Adam at (303) 905-8132

Pre-Fire Solutions

Managing Risk of Property through Proper Planning

Pre-Fire Solutions is a tree and landscaping service specializing in Wildfire Mitigation, Defensible Space and maximizing the potential survival of a structure in the event of a Wildfire.

Defensible Space: A defensible space is an area around a building in which vegetation, debris, and other types of combustible fuels have been treated, cleared, or reduced to slow the spread of fire to and from the building.

This is NOT "Clear Cutting", which is the common misconception.

The diagram #1 above is a basic example of what a 30 foot defensible space would look like, diagram #2 gives you an idea of a 100 foot defensible looks like. Keep in mind that this is just an example, each property is unique and requires a personalized designed.

Benefits of Pre-Fire Solutions:

• Protect the life of you and your loved ones.

• Protect your home and property.

• Protect the land around you.

• Protect your neighbors.

Beside the benefits listed above, all who live in wildland fire areas have a responsibility to take the necessary steps to limit the devastation a wildfire can cause to our forest and your property.

Although there is no way to guarantee that your property will be protected in the event of a wildfire, we at Pre-Fire Solutions are committed to helping you limit your exposure and increase percentages in your favor.